How to Return to Activities after Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis is a painful condition. It is cause with overexertion which leads to inflammation of Achilles tendon. As this tendon connects several calf muscles with foot, it causes foot’s flexion and movements. When you will feel pain or hotness along back of the tendon or close to the heel, you might have Achilles tendon. You need to use the right footwear and shoes in order to avoid this. Along with this, you should warm-up before exercise and properly cool down after workout.

Things Required:

– Ice
– Ibuprofen


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    Start slowly

    You need to take things slowly. Return to normal activities slowly and it might take several weeks for returning to actions. You should lower your physical activities as you don’t want to put more stress on it. Do not rush to your normal activities after recovering. This is because you might injure your Achilles tendon again. Keep in mind that tendonitis requires time for healing and in case you hurry in returning to activities, you might inflame the tendon more.

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    You need to stretch more often in order to return to action quickly. You can stretch your calf muscles by placing your palms against wall and your feet should be flat. Remember to extend your arms while touching palms to a wall. Then you need to bend your elbows and lean towards the wall. Keep your feet flat and legs straight during bending of the elbows. You need to keep your affected ankle loose and you can do this by rotating it in circular motion. Do this stretching many times a day especially before and after any physical activity.

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    Apply ice on your ankle

    You need to apply ice on your ankle many times in a day. This will boost the healing process from Achilles tendonitis.

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    Use anti-inflammatory medications

    You can consume anti-inflammation medications in order to treat Achilles tendonitis. These medicines treat the tendonitis by keeping the inflammation of tendons under control. One of the best medications for this problem is ibuprofen. Remember not to consume too much of this medicine. This is because it may upset or irritate your stomach.

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    You need to massage the back of the affected heel many times a day in order to keep it loose. Massaging will also prevent swelling.

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    You need to start walking every day. In the first week, you should walk less than a mile. Increase the distance to almost three miles in the following week. When you feel the pain is gone, you can start jogging.

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