How to Revive Sun Damaged Hair

While sunlight is good for you, it can seriously damage your hair if they are exposed to it for long. Hair are sensitive and even if you don’t feel the burn on your skin, your hair require protection from the sun’s rays. However, if you are already suffering from sun related hair damage, there are a number of ways to revive them.
The first step is to estimate the extent of the damage to your hair. If your hair are severely damaged, you should seek professional help from a hair restoration specialist.
If the damage is moderate, then you can revive your hair by drenching them in warm water. Once the hair are completely drenched you then have to dry them with a gentle touch of a towel. Do not rub the hair, as that will exacerbate the situation.
Now mix 1/4 cup of the mint oil conditioner and 1/4 cup of colour conditioner in a bowl.
Apply this mixture on your hair, rubbing it in thoroughly. It is better you do this with your hands as head massages (rubs) are best done with the hands. Mint oil boosts the healing process, soothing the scalp as well.
Pay special attention to the tips of the hair.
After a thorough massage, leave the mixture in the hair for about ten to fifteen minutes and during this time you can read a magazine or watch your favourite sitcom.
Now wash the hair with mild warm water, make sure that the water is not very hot, as it can also damage hair.
After using warm water, use cold water and wash your scalp for about ten seconds. This will revive the shine in your hair.
Dry the hair with a soft towel, and now use a leave-in conditioner which has UV protection to protect your hair from the sun and prevent any further damage.
Avoid too much brushing during recovery, as damaged hair are very sensitive and easily break.