How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Sometimes, one doesn’t have many options when it comes to making snacks. People get bored of eating the same stuff over and again, so it is better to look for a new recipe, which tastes good and can be prepared quite easily.

How about making roasted pumpkin seeds? They are normally thrown out, as people are unaware of what to do with them. However, you will never waste them, once you are aware of this delicious recipe.

Prep time: 10-15 min
Bake time: 10 min
Total time: 10-25 hrs
Yield: 2 servings
Utensils: bowl, strainer, paper towel, pizza pan, oven, spoon

Pumpkin seeds: 200 grams
Salt:  per taste
Vegetable oil:  1 tsp
Seasonings: per taste


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    Scoop the pumpkin seeds

    Using a large spoon, scoop all the pumpkin seeds and put them into a bowl. You can also use your hands for this purpose, if you are unable to get all the seeds with the help of a spoon.

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    Wash the seeds

    Since there will be a lot of fleshy parts attached to the seeds, you need to wash them properly. First, try removing all of the extra stuff with your hands and then rinse with warm water.

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    Put the seeds in strainer and wash again

    You will have to wash the seeds again, but this time in a strainer. Check the seeds with your hands in order to ensure that the pulp has been properly washed off.

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    Soak seeds in salt water (optional)

    If you have a sensitive stomach, it is ideal for you to soak the seeds in salt water. This way, the enzyme inhibitors, which can be irritating for your stomach, will be deactivated. However, this step is not compulsory and you can skip it.

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    Dry the seeds

    Place all of the seeds on a paper towel in order to dry them. This will not take much time and the seeds will be ready to be roasted.

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    Add seasoning

    After you have properly dried the seeds you can add some seasoning for flavour. It is entirely up to you as to which type of seasoning you prefer. Most people add a little salt, chili powder or cinnamon to give their seeds a little kick.

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    Roast the seeds

    You can roast the seeds in different ways. It depends on the way you prefer. One of the methods is doing this in a pan. Simply add some vegetable oil in the pan and start roasting the seeds. Moreover, you can also do this in an oven or microwave. Each method will take almost equal time, so you don’t have to worry about that.

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