How to Run a Weight Loss Contest

The consumption of fast food including burgers, sandwiches, fried chips and drinks has resulted in obesity in the last few years. A lot of people join fitness centres and health clubs to lose excess weight. However, now you can get paid while helping others lose weight. For those who have watched the Biggest Loser on television, they will know how extra income can be generated by hosting a simple and effective weight loss competition. So what are you waiting for? Talk to your friends and relatives and start you own weight loss contest to earn extra income.
Firstly, you will need to grab a few friends who can help you get this challenging job done. Friends and co-worker are always supportive and chances are they will help you in every way to successful start a weight loss contest. Determine people around that are interested in losing weight. Talk to each of them personally to find out if they want such a competition to be run by you. Provide rules and instructions on how they can become a member of your weight loss contest and the prize money they can claim by winning the competition.
After making sure there is a group of people that is interested in joining the competition you are hosting, then consider setting a small entrance fee for those who are interested. Typical entrance fee is between $30 and $35 for each participant. Although this only a one-time fee, you can collect large revenue depending on the number of people that intend to show up at the contest. Determine how you will split the winning. The participant who loses the most weight will get prize money in addition to getting back their entrance fee.
Choose the weekly weigh-in location where you want to host your weight loss competition. It is advised to host the competition in the backyard of your own house so you can track the progress without any hassles. Decide if you want to track the progress monthly, weekly or daily. It is recommended to track the weekly progress of each contestant. Progress can be measured by recording percentage of body weight lost and kg’s lost.
Usually, weight lost contests last for 12 weeks. If you run the contest for more than three months, chances are people will lose their interest in it. Announce the winner after making sure everyone will attend the ceremony.