How to Save a Page in Dreamweaver

Whenever you work on application on computer, it is really important to save your work regularly, in a bid to avoid losing any data in case of system failure or any other issue. In the same way, there is no exception for Dreamweaver.

When working on Dreamweaver, you should try to save your work regularly, or else, you can lose your hours of work if your computer gets disconnected from the power source. When saving for the first time, you will have to choose where you want to save your project. The program allows you to save one page at a time, as well as all the pages together.


  • 1

    Go to the “File” menu, present at the top-left corner of the Dreamweaver window and select “Save”. If you already have the file saved on your computer with a specific name, then this will overwrite the previously saved file.

    If you have not saved the file before and it was your first time to save the “Save” option, then this will work same as “Save As” option does. You will now see a “Save As” window appearing on your screen, which you will have to use to save for your project for the first time.

  • 2

    Now you need to select the drive where you want to save your Dreamweaver file. For that purpose, you will have to select the folder from the “Save in” drop-down menu, present at the top of the “Save As” dialog box.

  • 3

    Near the bottom of the dialog box, you will see “File name” field appearing. Here, you have to enter the name of the file which you want to set.

  • 4

    Click the “Save” button at the right bottom corner of the dialog box, to finish saving your current page in the Dreamweaver application, and to close the “Save As” dialog box.

  • 5

    If you are want to save all the active pages in Dreamweaver, then you need to go to the “File” menu and select the “Save All” option. If you have not saved all, or some of the active pages, then you will see “Save As” dialog box for each non-saved page. You can then follow the same process as you followed from step 2 to step 4.

  • 6

    After you are done with defining path and names for all the pages, you will be done with saving all the active pages in Dreamweaver.

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