How to Save an Audio Cassette to CD

In recent times, there have been many new ways of how audio can be recorded and played back. Traditionally it was cassettes but the advent of CD’s made them a second choice. CD’s are much more reliable and have a longer life in comparison with cassettes.
Getting your audio, be it a speech or an audio track, from a cassette to a CD is not a big deal but you need to have the right tools to be able to do that. Just by making the right moves, you can have the work done in no time.
Connect the Stereo
The first thing to do is to connect your stereo to your computer. This can either be done by connecting a jack to your audio card in the computer if the option is available or by inserting the jack into the traditional jacks that are available in all sound systems of a computer. You will most likely need an adapter cable to connect your computer to the stereo. -
Sound Recording Software
You will need sound recording software once you are all set with the stereo. There are some inbuilt software and if you need a better one, you can buy one or download one from the internet if it is available. These days a lot of free software are legally available so you can look for those as well. -
Adjust the sound levels by playing the cassette and checking the level that is coming up on the monitor’s screen while you run the software that will record the audio. You want to make sure that it is not too low or too high for a good quality recording. Once the levels are adjusted, you are all set to record. -
Now all you need to do is to go to the start of the soundtrack, play it and start recording on the software by hitting the record button. The recording should be done as the sound track is being played and once it is completed, you can put the file name in and choose which format you wish to save it in. There are many options and see which one suits your sound system the best. Generally MP3 and WAV are the preferred formats. -
Burn to CD
Once you have the soundtracks on your system, insert a writable CD and burn the files on it using a CD burning software. You should be done in a matter of minutes.