How to Schedule Posts to Your Facebook Page

Sometimes you have a huge amount of interesting or relevant stuff which you want to update on your Facebook page. But posting them straight away in short succession of time can be seen as too much. Previously, you were using the third party apps in order to schedule your posts in advance, or you used to login time and again or may be after couple of hours, just to update your Facebook page. But now, Facebook has given you an option by which you will be able to schedule posts to your Facebook page. It is an extremely simple task to perform. This will eventually help you to schedule your email and social media campaigns before time, so that you can easily reach to your potential clients and keep them update about all your latest products and services. In this article, I have explained the procedure of scheduling posts to your Facebook page.
Now, write something on your post as you normally do. Moreover, you can attach photos, add links, videos, and much more. Once you are done with it, move your cursor at the left bottom ‘clock’ icon, and click it. In the past, this icon was used to enter milestones or other information. It also allows you to make your post visible in the future. These future posts are called scheduled posts.
You can select date and time of your post according to your requirement. Once you are done with it, click Schedule.
When you schedule your post, the following prompt will be displayed on your screen. If you want to view the post or make any modifications in the post or its timings, click on View Activity Log.