How to Search and Download Torrents on Android

Torrents are one of the easiest ways to download some great stuff on Internet like films, documentaries, different software, and much more. Apart from pirated stuff on torrents, there is some useful and interesting stuff as well such as books and music that you want to have on your phone or tablet.

Most of the users want to download these torrents directly to their Android phones instead of downloading them on their personal computers or laptops and then transfer them through data cables. So in this step by step guide, I am going to guide you on how to download torrent files on Android by using an intelligent app known as tTorrent.


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    Downloading tTorrent on Android

    You can easily find tTorrent for your Android on the Google Play Store. Download the app and install it on your Android phone. There are two types of tTorrent – Lite and Pro. The lite version carries adverts with it, and it offers download speed of 250 Kbps. Whereas in Pro version, there isn’t any advert or limitation. At the moment, we will be using the lite version.

    After installing the app, run it. You have two options in order to add torrents to the app. Either you can find out for the torrents on internet, and hit the magnet URI tab to launch the app directly, or you can explore the torrents on the app itself.

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    When you are trying to search for the torrents available on the app, you will see the recent tracker update status on your screen. You just need to select the torrent in order to download it, then select the location where you want to download wp-content/uploads and click on the Download tab. There is also an option to select those wp-content/uploads you do not want to download with the help of Select File button.

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    Now, the app has started downloading the torrent. While it is downloading the torrent, you can do other work as well and minimize the app.

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    All done. The torrents are now downloaded on your Android. You can configure the settings according to your requirement.

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