Sell a House in Ottawa

A House is not just a building, not something that has been made of bricks and painted with fancy colors. Rather, it is where people live and create memories to cherish. Starting from their first baby being born to the passing away of somebody close to you – people are what make a house into a home.

This is why selling a house is a distressing experience, to say the least. Especially when you are living in a city like Ottawa! And this is not just because of the emotional attachment that the residents of that house have with it, but it is also because selling the property is a tedious and cumbersome experience itself. This is why we have created this guide to tell you how to sell a house in Ottawa!


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    Contact a real estate agent who can help you sell your house. They have a list of potential buyers and can get the job done quicker than you would take. But make sure the property dealer you are going to entrust with the task is reliable and knows his job. You can find property agents in Ottawa, and some are listed below:

    Ottawa Living

    District Realty Corporation

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    Hiring a lawyer to seal the deal will help you with all the legalities of the dealing. After all, you wouldn't want to end up being stuck in a complicated legal position that you never intended to!

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    You can also hire the services of a discount broker who will charge you less than 5 percent commission (the commission that a realtor charges). This broker will upload your house on the MLS listing for a swift sale. It will be mandatory to fill Property Disclosure for the MLS listing; this will account any possible defects or claims against the house.

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    Be professional and only show your home by appointment only. Remember, first impressions are the last so clean up and make the house tidy and clean.

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    Examine several offers from buyers. Don't reject anyone because it isn’t as high as the other you got. You will need to negotiate with a lot of different buyers and cost will not be the only cost of those negotiations. This is where your lawyer or real estate agent can come into action. They will be in a better position to offer you advice on which offer may be the best for you.

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