How to Sell a Life Insurance Policy

If you have ever been involved in sales job and particularly insurance sales, you must be aware that selling life insurance policy is one of the most difficult things to sell. This is not because it is something useless instead it is due to a number of insurance companies offering the same service. When people have more than just one option then it is often difficult to make a decision. Besides, people focus more on the monthly insurance they have to pay than the benefits. Nevertheless, if they are made to realize the benefit of Life Insurance Policy they will prefer buying it more than any other thing. Hence, there are a few things you need to know while selling life insurance policy.


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    Need for Life Insurance

    If you are able to create need for Life Insurance then it may not be difficult to sell it. Give example of having spare 5th wheel in a car despite the fact that car runs on 4 wheels. If there can be a need of 5th wheel in even a brand new car then there is nothing more unpredictable than a person’s life. Remember that customer will never buy anything unless there is a need.

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    Explain the Benefits

    Once you have created need for life insurance the next step for you is explain its benefits to the prospect. For example, you can say that if the person with life insurance policy dies then his relatives and family members will not have the liability of paying for funeral costs or any other outstanding debts that he has. Besides, a lump sum of money will be paid in case of death to the beneficiaries as well as the bonuses that have been added up over the years.

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    Comparison with Competitors

    It should be remembered that the same customer might be in touch with representatives of some other insurance companies. For this reason, you should not only have knowledge about your company’s life insurance policy but of competitors as well. People buying life insurance policy do always make comparisons. Hence, you should be able to prove how come your life insurance policy is better than all others.

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    Handle Objections as buying Signals

    Remember that the actual job of a Sales Person starts when a client says NO. Hence, if you see that the prospect is coming up with some objections this means that he/she definitely has some interest in the service. Keep your cool and handle the objections professionally. It is advised to make a list of all possible objections and derive their best possible answers.

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    Closing the Prospect

    A customer is more like a rat who should not ever be given any lope hole to escape. Hence, once you have handled all the objections and answered all queries from the customer do not lose your grip. Simply go for closing by initiating the documentation process with signatures from customer wherever necessary.

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