How to Sell Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was considered as one of the best entrepreneurs, inventors and marketers of his time. He was the co-founder and chairman of Apple Inc. Furthermore, he got worldwide recognition for initiating personal computer revolution.

Jobs also co-founded Pixar Animation Studios and served as its chief executive officer. In 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar, he became a member of The Walt Disney Company’s board of directors. Even though, he received a lot of criticism over his management style. However, he was gifted with the power of convincing people with which he successfully captured huge customers towards his products. If you want to sell like Jobs, you have to be creative, ambitious, smart and dedicated.


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    You have to know everything about your product first. If you don’t know all its features, you cannot express your product in a profound manner in front of others. Therefore, you must study your product well in order to create a good presentation to persuade your buyers.

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    Merely explaining the features of your product is not enough, you have to get the buyer emotionally involved in your product which you can only do by creating a complete experience about what you are offering to him. You have to make them feel that they already own the product and are enjoying its benefits which are out of this world.

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    You can also include the comments of your customers who have bought your product, in your presentation. A happy customer acts as the best motivator for the new buyers.

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    You have to make your buyer curious about your product by expressing its usefulness for him. This strategy works best when you are planning to sell an intangible product.

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    It is extremely important for you to make your product different from others so as to attract more and more customers. Besides, you have to use unique advertising strategy by which you can encourage your buyer to buy your product. Creating teasers of your products help a lot in igniting the curiosity of the buyers. But, you should keep in mind that you have to introduce your product at the right time without prolonging the teasers to create the best impact on the minds of the consumers.

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