How to Sell Print Newspaper Advertising Space

It is a complex and complicated task to sell print newspaper advertising space, because it is not as easy as picking up the phone and pitching your ad space to the advertisers. Everything needs to be in place before you get started, and the most important part is that your sales system should be in order before you talk to someone. First and foremost, you have to have an easily navigable classified section which should be easy for the readers to browse, and you should also have a promotional program which should advertise the classifieds section on other pages of the newspaper. With a clear structure for your potential buyers, you should be ready to sell print newspaper advertising.


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    Get started by designing your classified advertising section. The pattern should be an easy one, and it should be easier for readers to read and understand. The don’ts are that you fail to organise your classifieds section by not listing everything under headings. If there are ads on automobiles, they should go by the heading of Auto. Readers would want information, on what is being marketed, so provide contact information and rate information.

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    You should have a rate sheet for your classified ads, which will help buyers understand your rate system. For example in your print publication, your rate sheet should convey how you are going to charge. Is it going to be by character, line or word? Be specific!

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    It is imperative that you stay active regarding your sales leads. Gather contact information of potential advertisers from Yellow Pages or competing newspapers. You should have a few 100 leads before you get started. Start telemarketing your print classified advertising services, and be conversational.

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    Once you are pitching your ad space, it is necessary  that you have written down what you can offer your clients, such as discounts and added-services, which will make the deal all the more interesting, and if anyone agrees on buying, up-sell them. Also, you should emphasise on the benefits if they advertise with you, and cut down on the drawbacks.  It will help if you keep it short and simple.

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    Your sales team should be active, and make sure that each person is dialling at least dozen times a day. It is extremely important that you have endless leads that your sales team can draw.

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    You can add value to your service by including your advertisers to participate in the composition of their ads, and always focus on keeping a client rather than getting a new one.

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