How to Sell your Graphic Design Services Online

Graphic designing can be both, a hobby and a profession, and either way, it can pay you a lot if you are able to find good clients and interesting projects. Moreover, if you want, you can also work towards creating your own online brand, which will get your further recognition and a larger client base. As long as you know how to conduct your business online, you will not have to worry about finding employers.


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    This is one of the largest and most convenient online digital goods marketplace, allowing both new combers and experienced sellers to put up their products for free and sell them to a global audience. If you are a little clever, you can use this marketplace to sell your services too, and don’t necessarily need to have a digital product.
    For instance, if you are offering to work on a set of company brochures, you create a billboard with the offer and put it up on for free. It will cost you no money to do this, and you will get a free online presence. In the board’s description you can give samples of your work or any other details related to your portfolio in order to attract potential clients. Finally you can set the price of the board and put up the total amount you are going to charge for your service.
    In order to stand apart from other designers, you can put up discounts and give more details about yourself. If you have a website or a blog, put a link to that in your billboard as well. It is also very important that you share your billboard throughout your network.

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    This is another popular website which allows you to offer your graphic design services to clients from around the world. However, here you will not have a lot of control on your offering or the money you make. Clients preset the amount of money they are willing to pay and you have no choice in regards to pricing. Moreover, your submitted design goes into a large pool, where other designers are also adding their work. In the end, it is up to the client to choose a design he/she wants, rejecting all the others. In this model, as is mostly the case, you will not be always earning money for the work you do. Nevertheless, if you are not very concerned about making money and want to just try your luck among a pool of designers, you can sign up here.

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