How to Sell Your Idea to Investors

With the total population of the world reaching very close to 7 billion, what makes the idea that you have in your mind any better or different from the others around you. If you really believe that your idea will attract investors more than countless other ideas out there, then you probably should give it a try.


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    You need to know all the details about what you are presenting to the investors for consideration. Starting from the basics such as local competition, you need to take into consideration every single detail of the business in which you are asking the investors to invest. The key is to present an idea which is very rare yet extremely useful.

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    Before you actually begin preparing to present your proposal, you need to have someone to present it to. Find a potential investor. The best place to look for an investor is online.

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    Presenting the proposal to the investors in an enticing manner is very important. When planning your meeting with the investors, prepare a power point presentation and a full business proposal. Keep the bottom line very clear for busy investors. How much do they have to spend in terms of investment?

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    A demonstration to show the investors what exactly is on your mind is very important. Whatever the idea is, you need to present supporting evidence in the demonstration that it will work and the investors will get their fair value in return to their investment. Make sure that you check and troubleshoot any equipment or products that you are planning to use in the demonstration to avoid making a fool of yourself should anything malfunction at the critical time.

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    Decide the place where the potential investor wishes to meet you. It may be a conference room or the investor’s personal office. Whatever it is, the important thing is to meet face to face with the investor because that is very important.

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    Practice the demonstration in front of a few friends or colleagues. Work on any feedbacks that you get from them.

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    On the day of the meeting, dress professionally and arrive before the appointed time to get one final feel of what you are going to be presenting. When presenting the idea, be very precise. Do not go into unnecessary details. Be as comprehensive as possible and try to maintain regular eye contact with everyone sitting in the room. Making your proposal sound different from the others is the most important thing that you need to accomplish if you are to have a chance of convincing the potential investors.

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    When you are finished with your presentation, it is time for you to answer the questions that the investors may have in their minds. Make sure that you answer everything to the best of your knowledge and do not deliberately try to hide anything. After you have answered all the questions, bring your presentation to an end by shaking hands with everyone, handing them your business card and asking them to call you  in case of any further queries.

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