How to Sell Your Music on iTunes

iTunes is one of the biggest online music stores these days and is being operated by Apple Inc. With its rich media content, iTunes offers over 28 million songs, videos, eBooks, and apps for online selling. Using iTunes to sell your music is the best idea for a number of reasons. Primarily because people trust iTunes since it is operated by Apple Inc., a technology giant. Secondly because iTunes allows users to preview songs before they actually but them and finally because most iPhone and iPod users prefer to buy music from iTunes.


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    The first thing you need to do is to get your music on iTunes. This is the easy part of selling your music on iTunes. You simply need to use a music distribution software such as Songcast. Just create a Songcast account, upload your music and cover art, write the title and description and finally click send. Your music will be on iTunes and you will be one step closer to making money.


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    Now comes the rather difficult part. The basic thing you need to realise is that iTunes is just a platform to sell music and not a marketing tool itself. The idea is to give your music maximum exposure so that more and more people will come across it while searching, thus increasing the chance of your music being sold.

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    The first thing you need to do to increase exposure of your music on iTunes is to have your own website. In case you do not have one already, get it built.

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    Link your iTunes sales page to your own website. When people come to your website, they may also go to like visiting your iTunes sales page which would directly result in your music being sold on iTunes. When placing a link of your iTunes sales page on your webpage, make sure that you make it clear for the visitors as to where the link leads.

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    Now you need to promote your brand which will indirectly promote you as a music seller. On your YouTube videos, add at least a couple of links which prompt viewers to visit your webpage. This will directly increase exposure to your iTunes sales page and can help in boosting music sales.


    Youtube videos
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    Some visitors who make it to your website may not go to your iTunes sales page but can prove beneficial in other ways. They may sign up to your mailing list, giving you chance to keep probing them to buy music from your iTunes sales page.

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