How to Sell Your Stuff on Amazon.Com is a great place where you can sell new or used items, while paying some percentage of your profit to the company. The process of selling products on Amazon is really simple, as you only need to post your products on the website, and when a customer likes your products, he/she places an order and you deliver the items to the customer and get the payment.

So, if you are new and do not know how to sell you products on Amazon, then you have reached the right place, as this article will shed light on the way by which you can upload your product information and sell it to people around the world.


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    Visit the Amazon homepage and click the “Sell on Amazon”, which you can find on the bottom of the page. Under the “Sell Your Stuff” heading, click the “Start Selling” option.

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    Now search for the UPC or code at the Amazon website, which identifies your items. There are a total of 18 categories, where you can sell you items. When you are done with deciding the right category, click “Sell Yours Here” button, located against the listing of your item.

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    Now you need to select “New” or “Used” condition of your item. Also, you should add some comments about the condition of your product that you plan to sell. Make sure you write the right assessment of your product, such as scratches on the front side, colour problem in any particular part etc. Click “Continue” on the bottom of the page.

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    You can now set the price of your item. You should set the price competitive, so that buyers can get attracted towards it. Also, mention the shipping costs, if you want the buyer to pay for it. You can also set the shipping cost as zero, if you feel that your profit margin from selling the product will cover it up easily.

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    Now sign in to your account, or create one, to proceed. To finish posting your item, click "Submit Your Listing" and the ad will be displayed publicly on the website.

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    Now whenever you get order for your product, deliver the product in the time frame given by Amazon, and try to get positive feedback from the customer, if you want to stay on Amazon. Otherwise, negative feed backs will make Amazon to block your account.

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