How to Send Contact Information in Gmail

It is really easy to get contact information when you are doing business interactions in person. You only need to shake hands with the other person and exchange your business cards. However, when it comes to doing business virtually, or online, the process of exchanging contact information is completely different. Yet, it is not very difficult, especially when you use Gmail to send and receive emails, while handling your contacts.

Many email clients offer Send Contact Info option to their users. However, this feature is not available in Gmail. Still, you have the option to send the contact information through Gmail, by using its export and attach option. It will allow you to send the contact information in no time, rather than typing all the contact information manually.


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    Open Gmail website and log in to your account. Locate the “Gmail” button at the left top corner, right under the “Google” logo. Click on it and select the “Contacts” from the drop-down menu. This will open the Contact Management portion of your Gmail account.

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    Click the check box against each of the contacts that you want to send through email. After you are done with checking all the desired contacts, click on the “More” button, located right at the top of the contact list and select “Export” from the drop-down menu.

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    You will then be asked to export the contacts in different formats available. Select your desired format and click on Export button. The browser will ask you about the location where the contacts should be saved on your hard drive. Select the drive location and click “OK”. The contacts are now saved on your local hard disk of the computer.

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    Now click on the Menu button, located at the left top of the screen and select “Gmail”, if you are not already on your Gmail. You can also reach Gmail by just writing in the address bar. The browser will automatically take your login data from the cookies and sign you in.

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    Click on the “Compose” button, located right below the Gmail button, at the left top corner, in order to create an email.

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    To attach the contacts in the email, click “Attach a File” link, right under the “Subject” field. Locate the file and click “Open” to attach the file to the email. You can also attach the exported file by just dragging and dropping onto the Gmail page.

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    Add recipient’s address in “To” section, and subject of the email in “Subject” field. Add body to the email and Click “Send”.

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