How to Set Up Hotmail Email on Android

Synchronizing your Hotmail Messages with an Android phone is not as tough as it seems. The speedy world of technology has impacted everyone’s life; people usually find it very difficult to log into a computer, open an internet browser, and visit their hotmail account to check their mails. With the purpose of accessing hotmail’s inbox easily and in less time, Android phones allow you to sign in to your Hotmail account and keep yourself up to date.

If you have an android phone then you do not need to search for a computer and go through the whole procedure of logging in. Rather, simply tap your screen and there you go! You are permitted to take advantage from all the services which are accessible through a computer.

Carefully follow the procedure stated below and enjoy the service of Hotmail on your Android Phone.


  • 1

    On your Android phone go to your Home Screen.

  • 2

    Tap on the Settings app

  • 3

    A list of options will open on your screen, select Application

  • 4

    Next you will have to choose Accounts & Sync.

  • 5

    A new page titled as Accounts & Sync will open. Under the heading of 'Mange account,' the synchronized accounts will be viewed. Tap on the Add Account button.

  • 6

    Next you will have to select the Microsoft Exchange Active Sync.

  • 7

    A screen titled Add an Exchange ActiveSync Account will be viewed on the screen. You will have to enter your Hotmail’s email address along with your password and then tap Next.

  • 8

    Servers settings will open on your screen. Add the information as mentioned below:

    - Domain\Username: Hotmail password
    - Password: Password of your Hotmail address
    - Server:

  • 9

    Before taping Next, check “Use Secure Connection SSL” and “Accept all SSL Certificates” check box.

  • 10

    You will now be asked to enter the name of your account. This will be 'hotmail.'

  • 11

    In the end click Done. Your Hotmail account has been synchronized with your Android Phone.

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