How to Sharpen Crayon Points

While some try to use the same crayons over and over again, others buy new ones once their pointed ends are no longer sharp. However, you should know that there are ways to sharpen the blunt ends of crayons. You should know what exactly you are supposed to do and buying new crayons instead of sharpening the old ones is just a waste of money.

Therefore, learn the ways to sharpen your crayons so that you don’t have to waste money and you can save it for other things you have to buy as the blunt crayons can be reused.


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    Hot water

    The first technique is to use boiled water. You will require a bowl, water, and the crayon that you require to be sharpened.

    First, boil some water and make it as hot as possible. At least let some water evaporate so that you know that the water is boiling hot. Once you know that the water is hot enough, put the crayon’s blunt end inside the water bowl and keep it in there for at least a minute. You can even time yourself if you want, but a minute is just a figurative figure.

    After the first minute passes, take out your crayon and you will see that the nib has been softened. Now, use your fingers to make the blunt end sharp and keep making it sharp as long as you are not satisfied.

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    Crayon Sharpener

    If you are not satisfied with the first technique, then you should acquire a crayon sharpener. It is easily available in any stationery shop that you want. Moreover, the usage is absolutely simple. Rather than buying new crayons, just acquire a crayon sharpener and it will cost less than what you have been spending.

    Insert the crayon inside the hole provided, and the sharpener is going to do the rest of the things itself. It will sharpen your crayon just as much as you want. This will require the least amount of hard work from you.

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    Manual Crayon Sharpener

    If you cannot afford a crayon sharpener, then you should acquire the cheaper manual sharpener. It will not do things for you itself; in fact, it will ask you to put in a little effort. However, you will be allowed to sharpen your crayon just as much as you want to sharpen it.

    The manual crayon sharpener is much cheaper than the crayon sharpener mentioned in the second step.

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