How to Show Your Wife or Husband That You Truly Love Them

Marriage is often considered as the final chapter of a love story. However, it is only the beginning in reality. There is a whole life time to shower your spouse with love and celebrate your time with them. There are a lot of couples that become emotionally disconnected a few years into marriage, but you do not necessarily have to be that couple. Cherish the relationship and continue to show your spouse just how much you love them. This will not only serve to make the bond between you two grow stronger, but will also allow you experience heaven on earth.
Respect your spouse at all times. While this is an obvious thing to do, couples end up forgetting about this when they are engaged in a heated argument. Whenever two people live together, they are bound to disagree over something sooner or later. However, it is important to disagree respectfully instead of resorting to shouting, name-calling and hitting each other below the belt.
Instead of waiting for an occasion, buy your spouse a gift as often as you can. Gifts are a great way telling someone that you care. On your way from work, stop at the mall and pick up the dress or some other item that your spouse has been eyeing for days, weeks or months. Your spouse will not only love the gift, but will love to know that you had been thinking about them.
Plan a romantic vacation with your spouse every few months. You two will be able to spend more time with each other, talking and listening to each other and sharing your opinions on various issues.
If you find your spouse depressed, leaving whatever it is that you are doing to sit next to your spouse and comfort them. Give them the strength to cope with whatever challenge life throws at them. Assure them that you will always be there for and with them.
Help your spouse with the household chores. This will show them that you care enough about them to help them out even though you have an option to simply sit and relax.
When your spouse is in a mood to talk to you, give your complete attention to them. Listen to them patiently.
Go on a date with your spouse at least once a week. Just because you two are married does not mean you stop having fun.
Surprise your spouse with a gift from time to time. Everyone loves gifts and your spouse is bound to be no different. It does not matter if the gift is not that expensive, since it is the thought that really counts.
Show affection to your spouse by hugging, kissing or cuddling with them whenever you get an opportunity and the time feels right.
Satisfy your spouse both physically and emotionally.