How to Sleep Comfortably During Pregnancy

Lack of sleep is a common complaint by all the pregnant women. There are difficulties in this phase because of heartburn, urination, aches, itching etc. It becomes a challenge to get a full healthy sleep without waking up in between. The changing level of hormones causes a lot of changes in the body and normal sleeping patterns get disturbed. There are some creams that can reduce the itching but they still do not guarantee a good night’s sleep. With the proper information, you can now enjoy a good night sleep for sure.
The sleep at night is often disturbed by frequent visits to the bathroom. These trips cause women to wake up each time and get out of bed. It takes time to fall back to sleep again. So pregnant women need to monitor the amount of fluids they consume close to sleeping time. Try not to take a lot of caffeine, especially in the evening. Also avoid heavy meals with carbonated drinks at dinner time because they will cause digestion problems and you will have to go to the toilet again.
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This is one of the most essential times to have a comfortable bed. Keep extra cushions to give you support. Try to put pillows under your head or on the sides. There are special pillows available for pregnant women that apply pressure on the right areas. Pillows also help between the knees and ease the sleeping position.
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You do not have the liberty to sleep in any position during pregnancy. It is said not to sleep on your back or stomach. It can cause the blood flow to decrease and oxygen supply to the baby will decrease. Try to sleep on your side. Those who have heartburn feel comfortable sleeping upright. If you do not feel comfortable in the bed you slept in, try sleeping in another bed or a recliner. You might find another comfortable spot.
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An exercise routine can help you in sleeping better. Different exercises can help in easing some sort of pains and aches. It will help in drifting off to sleep easily because you will be tired and the pain will be less. Yoga is one exercise that reduces stress and makes you more comfortable. It makes breathing and blood circulation better. Do not exercise when sleeping time is near, intense exercise will cause more difficulties. Also keep a regular sleeping pattern so that you fall asleep the same time each night.
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