How to Smuggle Cigars into the United States

With the increased popularity and trend of cigarette smoking, the users have also started smoking cigars. Not to mention, that just like many other things, cigars are widely used as a status symbol as they are used for representing the taste and attitude of a particular person. Nowadays, one can easily witness a wide variety of people smoking cigars in business meetings, cafes, restaurants or at the places that they deem important to prominent themselves. However, there is an availability issue when it comes to consuming Cuban cigars but with a little tactic, you can easily arrange that for yourself.


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    Analyse the demand

    First of all, you should decide, if you just want to smuggle cigars into the United States just for yourself or there is an increased demand within your friends circle or family. It is important that you should have a clear idea about the quantity that you want to smuggle in United States. Most importantly, you should also analyse yourself for the number of cigars that you can afford  to smuggle into the US. For this, you must ask your closed ones and note down their orders to have a clear understanding of the demand.

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    Try to get close to the Canadian border

    After you have analysed the demand and your ability to smuggle that quantity of cigars in United States, it is of utmost importance that you should pay a visit to a small resort or town that is located near the Canadian border. The purpose is to strengthen your social networking with the smoke shops that are located in that town as they will help you a lot in smuggling cigars into the United States.

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    Purchase cigars

    Now, you must purchase the cigars in the calculated quantity. Remember that if you are caught with the higher amount of cigars, you will be likely to face a severe legal penalty.

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    Place them in your luggage properly

    After you have purchased the number of cigars, do not forget to place them inside your luggage properly. Note that you cannot place these cigars on the front of your luggage as they have to be placed secretly inside your stuff.

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    Behave normal

    When you arrive at the airport, it is of utmost importance that you should behave normal and do not let give them a little hint of worry.

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