How to Snog a Boy

You will have a point in your life when you want to snog your husband or your boy friend. Most of the girls, on the other hand, are not born to be great kissers and therefore fail to satisfy their partners. From the kiss of adore to an amorous kiss like you watch in the romantic movies, bringing the lips in contact with a boy is a sign of affection that most of the girls enjoy. In addition to that, a proper kiss with right timing may lead to an intense bond as well as possible romantic long-term relationship.


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    Make sure to brush your teeth with fresh and cool flavor toothpaste before you meet up with him. Do not forget that a bad breathe will turn your boy off. You can use mints or lifesavers for fresh and nice breathe.

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    Before you snog a boy, stay calm and have a deep fresh breath. You really do not have to sweat like crazy, as it is your golden chance to show your love to your boyfriend or husband.

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    Flirt a little to make his mind for a kiss. Start looking straight into his eye and then glance down on his lips. Continue this process for few seconds until you get the same response from the boy.

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    Once you prepare him for a kiss, do something romantic to break the touch barrier between you two. Start playing with his hair or touch his face to make him realize that you are interested in kissing him.

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    Now, gently start with a little soft kiss on his cheeks in order to make him more comfortable with you. Make sure not to make it last too long, try for about 3 to 4 seconds, and then talk to him for a while.

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    Put your hands around his neck, waist, or back and move gradually towards him until your lips meet with his lips.

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    Now, suck his lip then release, running both of your hands up and down his back. Do not make your lips too stiff and poke them out a little bit to prevent teeth clashing with him.

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    When your kiss session is over, do not run away, and try to spend some time with him.

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