How to Solve Error 3000 While Using MS Access

There are number of software available in the market to handle databases but Microsoft Access is one of the mostly used database management system. It has its own data storage format and also allows you to export other data types and link them with MS Access. When working with MS Access, a problem that occurs most of the times is error 3000. Error 3000 occurs whenever MS Access comes across a corrupt database file. It is a runtime error. Runtime error means that the error occurs when software is processing some files. Once you get this error it will be impossible for you to do further processing with your database until you resolve it. The solution to this problem is very simple and is suggested by Microsoft technical support team. I will discuss it briefly in following steps.


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    When it occurs?

    Error 3000 usually pops up when you are done with some database operations and now you are saving them in a row, column or a tree. At that time this error pops up and stops further processing. Another occurrence of this error pops up when you want to split a big database into smaller chunks or you want to make a copy of database.

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    Initial Arrangements and considerations:

    There are two simple solutions suggested by Microsoft technical support team, one is that upgrade your MS Access to fix the error, and also download available patches and service pack updates for your windows. Most of the times this error occurs when you have an outdated version of MS Access of windows service pack. So upgrading both will help you to fix the problem.

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    If upgrading the MS Access and service pack do not resolve the issue then there is another solution to this problem available inside MS Access according to Microsoft technical support team. For this follow the following procedure:

    a. Login as an Admin on your PC

    b. Click on “Tools” menu

    c. Then go to “Database Utilities” option

    d. Select “Compact and Repair Database/Project”

    This will allow you to compact your database specification set and will resolve the error 3000.

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