How to Spot an Emotional Vampire

Vampires seem to be everywhere! You see or hear about them in books, on television and in many movies. They continue to fascinate many people around the world. Apparently there are many different types of vampires that exist. One that is not heard about often is an emotional vampire. These types of vampires suck the energy from people around them and are very clever at concealing their true identities. Having to deal vampires is bad enough, but emotional vampires are altogether a whole different thing. Spotting an emotional vampire can be rather challenging but if you follow some simple techniques you can quickly identify one and run the other way.
Getting started
It can rather difficult to find an emotional vampire as they are very clever and know how to hide amongst us. Usually a good indication is when you see people getting tired, drained or even depressed around someone in particular. It might just be that this person is an emotional vampire. Once you have identified a potential emotional vampire follow them from a distance and start to note down everything they do or say. Remember, never let an emotional vampire know that you are following or observing it otherwise it might come after you. -
Look for those people that thrive on empathy. Most emotional vampires have mastered the art of empathy as a way of tricking you in to a comfort zone with them only to regret it later. Many emotional vampires have the power to feel or sense the emotions of the people around them and can in turn feed off these energies. -
Be aware of the situation around you
If you come across an emotional vampire who intentionally harms other people, then be wary of him/her. They might indulge you in a fight or argument to feed off your frustration or fear. If the vampire seems nice then urge him/her to just feed off of people who are okay with the arrangement. If not then make sure you get out of there and lock all your windows and doors. -
Emotional roller coaster
If you see anyone that is always on an emotional roller coaster then you might want to investigate further if that person is an emotional vampire. Usually their emotions can literally drain the life out of you and the constant talk of their issues just keeps nagging at you. Any sensation of feeling depressed or having to deal with that person's emotional state can often be due to the fact that they are an emotional vampire.