How to Spot Fake Armani Boxers

Just like most Armani products, replica makers are also producing copies of its boxers too. The idea behind producing replicas of Armani’s boxers is to get high price by fooling the customers of this brand. However, this does not mean that replica makers are also producing high quality products. In fact they usually attract people towards their fake items by offering them at low prices as compared to what the original ones cost. As a result of that, although people get Armani boxers and other products of this brand at less price, but they do not get the same quality, style, design and comfort. Therefore, when shopping for Armani boxers, always keep the below listed points in mind to distinguish between the original products and fake ones.
Verify that Armani’s Logo is perfect
Some replica makers have still not mastered the art of copying the logo of Armani exactly as it is. Therefore, buyers can spot the fake boxers by comparing an original logo with the fake one. The fake one will have spelling errors or the design will not be exactly the same as that of the original one. -
Check the Material of Armani Boxers
Armani produces only high quality products; so when you check the material of its boxers, the fabric will speak for itself. It will be smooth, soft and high in quality. On the other hand if it’s a fake Armani boxer then the clothing material will clearly be not of quality and will be rough to the touch. -
Inspect the Stitching of Armani Boxers
Before purchasing an Armani Boxer also inspect its stitching quality. In case the stitching seems crooked, frayed, uneven or sloppy then it’s surely fake. If the Armani boxer has lining on it then it should be flat and sewn in an even way and there should be no wrinkles along the seams. -
Scrutinize the Design of Armani Boxers
It is necessary to check the design of an Armani Boxer before buying it because it will help you to spot the fake one. Armani boxers are comfortable and stylish, but if you find one with a wild or eccentric design then most probably it is not real, as several replica makers add either fake pieces or odd designs to the fake Armani boxers. -
Compare it with Armani’s Official Website
Buyers can also spot fake Armani boxers by comparing them with the photos of original Armani ones given on the official website. While comparing, if you find something odd or slightly off about the Armani boxer then it means that it’s a replica. You can also get stock photos from the seller in order to compare it with the boxer in your hand. If the seller hesitates or fails to provide you the photos of Armani boxers then walk away!