How to Spot a Fake Gucci Sun Glasses

Gucci has made a mark for itself  because of the high quality and flawless designs it provides to the customers. But unfortunately, realizing the great demand of Gucci’s products, many companies have been set up to create replicas that are usually sold at lower prices. But the catch is that they are not only NOT ‘original’ products of Gucci, but they are also of low quality. Gucci’s sunglasses are no exception, and many people who expect to buy the original glasses end up paying for replicas because they don’t know how to distinguish between them. This results in paying for something  they never wanted – and that too, of low quality that is detrimental to the eyes. This is why it is imperative that you’re aware of how to spot fake Gucci sunglasses. The preceding steps will help you in this regard.


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    Visit Gucci's website
    Gucci has an interactive website that displays all its products. Prior to shopping for sun glasses, you should visit it to educate yourself on the kind of sunglasses  that are available. You should also know about all the relevant information and price range that they're available at.

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    Check the tag

    Gucci products have a 'Made in Italy' on its tag. This is another proof of their authenticity and any sunglasses that say, "Made in China" or, "Made in Taiwan" will obviously be fake.

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    Check the spellings

    Gucci is a brand that never compromises on quality. This includes making any spelling mistakes too. When you're buying sun glasses, make sure there are no spell errors. Replicas will usually have spelling mistakes or will have Gucci spelt differently to avoid copyright claims by the company.

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    Gucci sunglasses come with a warranty card!
    Since Gucci is a brand that believes in after sales services, therefore their sunglasses also come with a warranty card and information booklet. If the glasses you're looking at have none of those, they are probably fake!

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    Quality comes at a price!
    The price range of Gucci sunglasses is more than USD $200. Any sunglasses which are being sold at a lower price will most probably be replicas, screaming that they are fake.

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    The quality speaks for itself!

    Original Gucci glasses will be of high quality, speaking for the brand's repute. On the other hand, replicas will have loose screws or the glasses/plastic in them will be of low quality.

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    Gucci has a logo - and it is for a reason!

    A logo is part of a brand's image, and it can be seen on all of its products. The difference between a fake and real Gucci logo can be clearly seen in the picture on the right side. Also, Gucci sunglasses will ALWAYS have a model number on them. Tally it with the ones available on the website, and you're sure to buy original sunglasses. 

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