How to Spot the Physical Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

‘Silent killer’ is another term used to refer to high blood pressure. Primarily because spotting physical symptoms of high blood pressure can be tricky considering the fact that these symptoms are very mild. At times, a person may be suffering from high blood pressure with no physical symptoms at all. High blood pressure is caused mainly due to hypertension or in other words, excessive fatigue.
Here is what the symptoms of high blood pressure are and what you can do to spot them before the situation gets out of control.
Bouts of dizziness are one of the physical symptoms of high blood pressure. If a person is suffering from bouts of dizziness, it means that there has been a change in the chemistry of the brain. Remember that physical symptoms can be not be used for a final diagnosis for all you know, bouts of dizziness may be caused due to blood sugar imbalance.
If a person suffers from headache too frequently, there are high chances that high blood pressure would be the cause. The headaches can be of any type such as migraine, rebound or cluster.
Reduced tolerance for physical activity is another physical symptom of high blood pressure. If you can not run or even walk for a sufficient amount of time, you may be suffering from high blood pressure.
Nausea that does not end up in actual vomiting is another symptom. Although this is not very common but is a symptom nonetheless.
Another physical symptom of high blood pressure is blurred vision. If, at times, you can not see things properly even though there is nothing wrong with your eye sight, chances are that you are suffering from high blood pressure.
If you suffer from face flushing too frequently, you may be suffering from high blood pressure. If face flushing occurs when you eat spicy foods or consume alcohol, you may be suffering from high blood pressure. Even though face flushing is a physical symptom if high blood pressure but is not caused due to high blood pressure. Frequent nose bleeds point to high blood pressure as well.