How to Spray Paint a Pickguard

Music has become a part of most people’s lives. People tend to try and play as many musical instruments as they possibly can on a daily basis.
Now out of all the instruments out there, the guitar is probably the most popular. The guitar is associated with people being cool, and with the person playing it appearing to be better than most.
However, in order to differentiate yourself from other guitar players, you need to try and attach a personalized touch to your instrument.
Now this can be done in a number of ways. However, painting your pick guard is considered to be one of the best ways to do so.
The pick guard is a rather prominent part of the whole instrument, and should you be able to custom paint it, either to cover up for some damage, or to just stand out, you will end up with something that really fulfills your needs.


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    The first thing you need to do is to take the pick guard off the guitar. You can do this by unscrewing the screws that are holding it in place.
    Use a screw driver, and make sure that you have stable hands while doing this. Any mess ups or slipups could end up resulting in your guitar getting scratched, which is something that you really don’t want to do.

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    Next up, you need to go ahead and place the pick guard on your work area. Make sure that the place is clean and that there isn’t much dust floating about.
    Once this is done, go ahead and apply a base layer of one solid colour, preferably white with your spray paint can.
    After its applied, you need to let it dry out. Once it has dried out, what you need to do, is to apply the colour of paint via your spray paint can, that you want the guitar pick to pick up.
    You may apply multiple layers, to get the desire affect. You can also mix and match colours, to get a really radical outcome and visual impact.

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    Lastly, what you need to do is to let everything dry out. You can consider making some intricate patterns on the pick guard if you want, to add something more to it.
    However, once you are done, you need to go on and screw it back into place and then you can use your guitar once again.

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