How to Spy on Android Phones Using Mobile Spy

While giving a smart phone to someone, especially children, it is good to know what they actually have been doing with it. Monitoring your children while using a smart phone assist you to ensure that they are not exposed to any indecent content they should not be viewing on the internet. An Android smart phone is a very powerful tool to connect to the entire world but in children’s hands, it can act as a mischievous device at the same time. There might be other apps on Play Store not suitable to be used by minors. Spying applications, such as Mobile Spy, serve a perfect solution to your worry and you will be able to know what your children have been up to with their Android smart phone in private.


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    Installing the App

    First off all, you have to download and install this application to your Android phone. Go to ‘Play Store’ in your apps menu to search for it.

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    Type ‘Mobile Spy’ in the search dialogue box on the top of your screen and hit search button. Remember you have to install this application on your own Android phone, as well as the one you want to monitor.

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    Click ‘Mobile Spy’ app from the search results and a blue button will appear on the top right corner of your Android smart phone screen, asking you to install it. Press the blue button to initialise the installation process. It is totally free!

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    Once the app is installed, click the ‘Open’ button which will appear on the screen.

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    Click on the ‘Free Download’ button on the top of the app and fill out the information in the boxes provided. After filling all the boxes, tap the ‘Submit’ button to proceed.

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    Using the App

    Open up the Mobile Spy app and enter your login details you submitted earlier in the submitted form. After you are logged in, you can view the logs available on the app, showing the usage details and the whereabouts of the Android smart phone you desire to spy on.

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    You can check out who your children have been texting to by clicking the ‘Text Messages’ button in the logs section.

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    By clicking on ‘SMS Messages sent and Received’ button, you can easily see the complete list of text messages on the cell phone you are spying.

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    You can simply click on ‘export’ button in the top right corner of your screen and you can save the entire record of text messages of your children’s Android phone in PDF format in your own cell phone. Amazing! Isn’t it?

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