How to Spy on Someone with Binoculars

Technological advancements have brought about a huge change in the use of binoculars and undoubtedly, these have been considered as the most feasible tool for spying on someone. It does not matter if you are a soldier or just a normal person as binoculars can come in handy to both. However, you have to be a little careful when using binoculars as you cannot use them in the open especially for the purpose of spying. Regardless, of the reason for spying, you must consider a few things to achieve your goal.

Things Required:

– Binoculars
– Camouflage clothing
– Dark clothing


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    Blend in with the environment

    The important thing is to blend in with the environment and try to conceal your identity. You cannot stand exposed and fix binoculars on your face as this way everyone will be aware of the activity you are doing. Therefore, it is important that you should wear camouflage and try to hide under the trees, bushes or anything of that sort. Not to mention, this will not only keep you safe but it will also help you accomplish your mission.

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    Wear dark clothes

    If you are not going to go out to spy on someone and want to do that from your room, you must wear dark clothes like black or navy blue in colour. You should never leave the lights of your room on when you are spying on someone from your room. People often make the mistake of standing in front of the window and get exposed. You must stand on the right or left side of the window depending upon the person who you are trying to spy.

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    Prefer spying at night

    Spying during the daylight can be a little tricky as the sun gives off a reflection when they fall on the lens of your binoculars. Therefore, it is important that you should prefer spying during the night as this will minimise the risk. Nevertheless, if due to some reason you cannot spy at night and you have to do that during the day, you must consider buying binoculars with anti-reflective coating.

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    Use prone position to spy

    You must use the prone position to spy on someone. Here, a person lies on his/her belly and then tracks the person. This position will help you go unnoticed and give you the freedom to continue with your spying.

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