How to Start a Non Profit Organization

Non-profit organisations are those who are not in the market with some intentions of financial benefits. These kinds of organisations have different kind of revenue cycle as they depend on donations and grants instead of sales or other methods of income.

To start a non-profit organisation from scratch can be an uphill task as this process is full of challenges and drawbacks. Most of the time, these organisations are living on the edge as they do not have their independent source of income. Only few organisations yield desired results.

However, if you are committed enough to make difference in the society and if you are passionate about your cause then nothing can stop you from establishing a successful non-profit organisation.


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    Look before you leap:

    First of all analyse your decision of starting a non-profit organisation. Ask yourself that what is driving force? What you want to achieve by going into such kind of venture?

    If you are satisfied with the answers and you think that you will be able to remain committed to this cause then you should go for it with full conviction.

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    Mission Statement:

    You should tell the world about your organisation and its purposes. The best way is to provide a vision/mission statement that will explain your goals and strategies.

    Remember these statements should be brief and to the point. Only core issues should be addressed in these statements.

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    Dream Team:

    You cannot be on every front all the times so you will need some committed help. Find your partners and form a board of directors to divide the responsibilities. It will be helpful for you to have diversity in the opinion. Choose such members who understand the structure and working style of these kinds of organisations.

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    Rules of the house:

    Form rules and regulations to run the house. These set of laws will help the board of directors to govern the organisation and take effective decisions.

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    Open a bank account for the organisation’s financial matters. Develop a system for accountability and record keeping.

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    Now it is time for the most important thing. Seek donors for your organisation and design different fund raising campaigns. Another way to gather funds is to take financial help from the larger non-profit organisations.

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    Tax exemption:

    Next step is to request Revenue Department for a tax exemption. You should also try to get property or state tax exemption.

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    Build a team, hire professionals and assign them different tasks. You may need a Federal Employer Identification Number for this purpose.

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