How to Start a Radio Station

Radio is quite an old form of entertainment and is a medium that is still going very strong.
It provides people with an opportunity to not only listen to music but also hear discussions on various issues as well as be a part of them, by calling in. It helps people by creating awareness on various matters of importance.
At some point in time, everyone wants to be a part of the radio. It is not possible for everyone, but if you are determined and want to make a difference, one way to go about it is to start your own radio station.
Get Official Permission
You will need permission from concerned government department(s) in order to start your own radio channel. The main department that you will deal with is Federal Communications Commission which will require you to fill out several forms for variable types, and some guarantees. Do check your state laws if they require something extra. -
Get the Equipment
Once you have the permission, you will need to get the equipment required for RF transmission. Make sure that you get the equipment as per the needs of your radio station and its coverage area. Hire an experienced construction firm that can erect the antenna in place for you in the right manner. -
Arrange Space
You will need space for the studio and the offices of the radio station. In case you hire a studio that is already available, you will save quite a bit of the initial investment that would be needed if you build a studio of your own and only pay monthly rent. If the idea is to have some fun and run an amateur radio station, this is not a bad idea.
If however, you are a more serious investor and intend to take your radio station forward, you may want to build a studio of your own. -
Arrange for Technical Staff
Hire people who know their craft in the field of radio. This will not only include radio jockeys but also the engineers and the technical staff related to the field. This is an important factor that must be taken care of properly so that the station moves in the right direction from the word go. Without these people, the radio station will find it hard to exist let alone grow.