How to Start a Speech with a Story

Nowadays, presentations have become an essential part of educational and professional life. You just can’t ignore the importance of an effective presentation/speech. You should know the technique to lock the attention of your audience immediately in the beginning otherwise they will lose interest and ultimately your message will not be communicated.

If you are one of those who have lot to say but do not know how to say it then you are at the right place. Starting a speech with an impressive quotation or inspirational story is a good idea to engage your listeners.

However, you should keep a couple of things in your mind for example the selection of a story, perfect delivery and linkage to your actual speech. Recent studies show that the first couple of minutes are crucial in your speech as your audience evaluates you in this short time period and your success depends on these moments.

An interesting and unusual move can give you a required kick for the speech and a perfect start ultimately yields productive results.


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    Evaluate your audience:

    Before choosing a story for your speech you should be well aware of the audience. You should know their mental calibre and select a story that puts their intellect to a test.

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    Understand the topic:

    You should have complete command over your topic. It is always better to do extensive research to cover all the aspect of your topic of discussion. Choose a story that is relevant to your speech. Every story has its own message so do not try to fill the space with irrelevant material.

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    Make people laugh:

    Humour is the best technique to find a way to the heart of your audience. Try to add a funny story or incident as it will brighten up the sombre or sober mood of the gathering.

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    Real life story:

    It is an effective technique to narrate a story from the life of a famous personality or at least from your own life as it allows your audience to connect with you. Do not pick the story that shows the subject as a larger than life figure. It won’t help you as it will not inspire your listeners.

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    After selecting the story, the most important thing is to deliver it effectively. You should not be simply reading from a paper or slide rather you should narrate as a professional story teller. Being dramatic is always helpful as it keeps the audience intact.

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