How to Start a Stroller Fitness Class

When a new born arrives, he/she means the world to his or her loved ones. The love the parents have for that little bundle of joy cannot be measured or compared to anything in this world. The mother has to go through the whole process of pregnancy and has to brave many a hardships so that the baby can come into this world.

It is something that takes both mental and physical toll on the mother. The mental aspect is perhaps something that goes away quicker as the love of the baby is over powering and makes one forget all the worries in the world.

However, the physical changes like weight gain and getting the body back in shape take a lot longer and a lot of effort too. Most of the times, women are unable to follow the fitness routines and the diet plans that are laid up to lose weight after a child’s birth.

Many women enrol in stroller fitness programs for that purpose and lose the weight while they are having fun with their baby. It is a profitable business that does not need a lot of investment but loads of passion.


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    Large Fitness Space

    The first thing you need is a place to assemble all the ladies who want to join the fitness class. Make sure that you have a good space available as there are going to be plenty of strollers that will be parked in that centre.

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    Toddler Friendly Atmosphere

    Make the centre baby friendly with all the necessary precautions. Also keep the needs of the mothers in mind and facilitate them to the fullest of extent. There should be a reasonably big sitting area which allows the mothers to stay for a longer period of time if they have to.

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    Have a Complete Paper Work

    Make sure that you have all the licenses and insurances required to run a stroller stride program. It will vary with wherever you are located but there are always permissions that must be sought and made sure that internationally recognised standards are followed.

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    Doctor's Clearance

    Make sure that all mothers involved in the program have checked with their doctors that there is no issue if the baby is taken to such a program. It can help in avoiding many complications later on.

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    Professional Trainer

    A professional trainer should be hired to design and monitor the program and run it on modern lines. It will also enhance the reputation of the program as women will feel more comfortable in the presence of a qualified professional.

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    Simpler Work Outs

    The workouts have to be simple and not strenuous. Breaks should also be available for women since toddlers can sometimes be needing attention. Breaks will allow the mothers to attend to their babies and comfort them and if someone is lagging behind, they can catch up in the rest time.

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    Add a Day Care Centre

    If possible, add a day care centre to the fitness centre as well. Many working women can drop their babies at the centre and can come back to the centre after work and participate in the program as well.

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