How to Start National Little Britches Rodeo Franchise

National Britches Rodeo is one of the oldest junior rodeo associations in the United States of America. Children from the age of 5 to 18 can participate in the events. There are basically 5 divisions for the participants which include Senior girls and Senior boys (13-18), Junior girls and Junior boys (8-13), and Little wranglers (5-7).

If you are looking forward to start a national little britches rodeo franchise, you have to fulfil certain criteria. In addition, you will have to pay a certain amount of money as royalty for using the name of little britches rodeo.


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    First of all, you have to open the official website of the national little britches rodeo association i.e. When the webpage is opened, you have to keep your cursor on the ‘Members’ tab in the drop down menu. You will see some options which include Associates, Contestants, Franchise and Manual Rodeo Forms. Select the option ‘Franchise’ and then ‘Start a Rodeo’.

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    You should know that little britches rodeo is a non-profit making organisation and if you are looking forward to buy their franchise, you have to fulfil some particular requirements. Furthermore, it is to be noted that the volunteer committees are the backbone of the association. Your case will be judged by the Board of Directors in the annual elections of NLBRA.

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    If you want to start a franchise, your committee must have a good financial position and it should contribute positively towards the society.

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    You have to fill an online application form to get the rights to start a little britches rodeo franchise. You will have two options. Either you can start a completely new franchise or you can add another franchise to your existing list of franchises. After that, you have to provide the desired name which you want to give your franchise. Then, you must provide the name and address of the representative person who should have a good reputation.

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    After submitting the application, you will have to wait for the annual meeting in which the board of directors will assess your case and will grant you the rights of starting a new little britches rodeo franchise. You may have to comply with some of their requirements other than those which have been mentioned in the application form.

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