How to Steer Rope

At the current era, rodeo events have become very popular and people from many countries of the world actively participate in these events. However, people are required to have top quality skills in order to perform well in these events. Steer roping is one of the most prominent types of rodeo events which pits a rider or also called rodeo cowboy on a horse against a steer in the ground. The contestant requires to lassos steer by the horns in minimum possible time. However, steer roping is not easy to master and if you want to learn it, keep reading.


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    First of all, you should learn the art of throwing the rope in an accurate manner. Make sure you have selected a correct rope which should not be less than 34 feet long 3/8 inches thick.

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    The rope should have the characteristic of an optimal combination of flexibility and stiffness. This rope is also famous with the name of Manila rope and can be found easily in hardware stores.

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    Then you should take a loop and tie it on one end of the rope which is also called honda. Now pull the second end of rope and make the knot tightened.

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    After that, you should let the honda fall down the loop by opening it into a circle of four feet. You should hold the rope into your right hand and coil it into 15 inches sections.

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    Honda should be in your left hand and then hold the second end of the rope in your throwing hand. Now you need to throw the coil into air ensuring that your other hand is swinging in a circular motion.

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    Keep swinging the rope over your head in order to gain momentum and then toss it into the air towards the hay or bale for steer. You can also practice it on cow first before participating in a rodeo event.

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    You should move or ride towards the steer after releasing it in the ground or arena. Make sure you have thrown your lariat in the right way to catch the steer from horns.

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    After roping the steer you should hop off the horse to create pressure on the line which will not allow the steer to wander. Now you should flip the steer in order to tie its legs.

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    You should repeat the process and tie three legs of the steer and after finishing this task you should raise your hands upwards to confirm that you are done with it.

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