How to Sterilize Wine Bottles

Sterilizing wine bottles is one of the crucial parts of job at a pub and it has to be done with a proper care if you want to make your business a quick success. You can buy the purpose-made washer for the job or else know how to use home washer effectively, which is as effective in washing and heat drying bottles as are the commercial washers. One important thing about sterilizing wine bottle is to wash and sterilize them just before use, as leaving bottles unattended for a longer run can risk development of bacteria in them.

Things Required:

– Chlorine laundry bleach
– Nylon bottle scrubber
– Bottle washer with threaded attachment


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    Keep all used bottles separate for washing and sterilizing purpose, and when free put one tablespoon bleach into each one of them. Fill each bottle with water after putting bleach and leave them for a while, allowing bleach to do its work.

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    Although there is no recommended time for leaving bottles filled with bleach and water, you should allow them to sit with water for at least one hour. It is generally enough time for the bleach to work effectively. If you need them earlier than this time you can pick them up for further processing even less than this time.

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    After lapse of one hour, empty the bottles filled with bleach water and scrub them with a bottle brush inside each one. Make sure to use gloves on your hands while you carry out this task as bleach can be dangerous for your skin.

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    After you have emptied and scrubbed each bottle rinse them with water using the bottle washer. Bottle washer works automatically when you press the valve around the bottle neck and water flushes into the bottle with full force. Keep each bottle carefully after rinsing them thoroughly with the sink water.

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    Once the rinsing job finished, put all bottles beck down on the lower rack of your home dish washer and run the washer on heavy-duty wash point. However, do not use washer detergent, just use water and also program it for hear dry mode. This will automatically clean each bottle inside and dry them.

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    You can then collect all the bottles and ready them for use. However, do not waste too much time before filling them with wine again and corking them. Leaving bottles unfilled for a longer period of time can lead to development of bacteria in the bottles again and the entire processes of sanitizing and sterilizing is lost.

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    While carrying out the job be careful about your safety and use gloves or any other protective stuff for your hands. Glass bottles can be very dangerous and they can cause an injury risk to you. Take care while keeping bottles back in their racks after filling. The entire process has to be done safely and soundly so that it does not cause risk of any damage.

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