How to Stop Braces From Hurting So Bad

The number of people with braces is growing quickly because of the progress in dental health and the growing awareness about perfect teeth alignment. More and more people are getting conscious about their looks. They want perfect teeth, jaw and chin and so we get to see a growing number of braces flashing out of mouths. However just as the commonly used proverb ‘no gain without pain’, these all come as an expense. For those with braces, the constant pain, especially when they are new can prove to be quite a nightmare. Braces pull at the teeth causing great pain. Though the pain will completely go away only when the braces are taken out, there are still ways to relieve and reduce it.


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    Pain killer:

    Pain killers are effective against the pain, like they are for any other body part. If you cannot take it any longer, swallow Advil or Tylenol. You can also take any other pain killer. However, never do it on empty stomach and take something to eat before having the medicine.

    Determine the gums that hurt the most. Rub a small amount of oral relief gel on to this area. It will help reduce the pain.

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    Eat soft:

    For the most intense periods, choose food that is soft and mushy and does not have to be chewed much. Eat slowly with no pressure on your teeth and the braces. Chew softly. Some things that you can eat are mashed potatoes, bananas, soaps and yogurt. Try to get most of your energy from liquids which do not require chewing at all.

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    Eat cold:

    Cold substances help bury the pain. Stock up on ice cream, frozen yogurt and cold liquids. These dull the pain and provide temporary relief. Holding ice packs to your mouth helps immensely.

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    Warm compress:

    Wet a towel in hot water, wring it and hold it on both sides of your jaw. The warmth will have a soothing effect and release the pain. Keep the towel pressed for fifteen minutes and repeat for greater relief.

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    Salt solution:

    Take a glass of warm water and mix some slat in it to make a salt solution. Rinse your mouth a few times with this liquid. This provides instant relief from the pain. Do it several times a day and the soreness will go away.

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