How To Strategize For Social Media Optimization

Before going into the details of social media optimization, first of all we have to define as to what exactly it is.

Social media optimization or SMO is a set of techniques through which you can direct a lot of traffic on your website, ensuring that the content on your webpage or blog is easily accessible. There are many advantages of SMO, the biggest being that your probability of getting noticed increases, and with that increase your business chances. If the traffic on your webpage is high, all the major search engines like Google and Yahoo will like to have you in their top search list as it also enhances their credibility. To attain this standard though, there are a lot of strategies which need to be applied, and companies usually hire internet marketing specialists to look after this critical aspect.

Among the major responsibilities of these marketing consultants lies the usage of social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to promote the business on the web and make its presence felt globally.


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    Increase activity on the website

    To optimize a site for social media, the first and foremost step is to increase the activity on it. The website should not be static, meaning that there should be a lot of new content uploaded on it on a regular basis. This increases the linkability of the content. There are many ways through which this can be done, with creating blog being the most simplest and effective ways - you can just subscribe with a content agency, and pay them for providing content on a regular basis. You can also try a hand at uploading interesting images, creating memes and slideshows.

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    Use proper tags and make bookmarking easy

    Proper tagging is paramount for search optimization and SMO is no different. Ensure that you tag the pages on the social networking websites and also add buttons which allow for easier bookmarking. By using proper tags you can significantly increase the traffic, and thus the number of inbound links.

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    Reward inbound links by making them visible

    The rating of any website is determined by the number of inbound links it attracts.While maintaining a good website is the key to attracting these links, rewarding them with visibility on the webpage can also increase this number. Make a special section in you blog which shows the recent inbound links.

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    Help your content travel

    Just posting the content is not enough for effective SMO; you have to make it travel. This can be done with the help of widgets and badges. All your portable content in the form of audio, video or text files should be share friendly and easy to access.

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    Do not restrict your data

    Social media is all about sharing. Your content should be accessible without any conditions as this will make it easy for the users to relate with you; an example of this is YouTube, where there is no restriction of imbedding the videos. Avoid registration formalities on your website.

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