How to Succeed as an Avon Representative

For those of you who want to become an Avon representative, you are likely to pass out catalogs to potential customers and earn commissions off the items you sell. Avon typically sells jewellery, cosmetics and accessories. You will have to sign up for the Avon representative programme through the company’s website to sell through Avon. To become a successful representative and earn money, you should develop a knack for sales. People that have high energy and an assertive attitude can succeed in this highly competitive industry. You must be reliable and effective to sell products and place regular orders.
Consider opening a business account to manage your money generated from Avon sales. It is advised to keep your personal money separate from the sales money. Hire an experienced web developer to create an electronic website. Avon gives their representative the opportunity to sell products by setting up their own websites. However, you will have to pay a nominal fee on a monthly basis to run and maintain the website.
Prepare a sales plan and stick to it. Make schedules and set times when you want to deliver leaflets. Always make follow up phone calls to boost your online sales. You can improve your chances of retaining customers by setting time schedules.
Set up stalls at special events to improve your sales. For example, if a customer calls within two days of receiving the brochure, they are eligible for a 5% discount of their order. Recommended other items based on customer’s current order. So if someone buys an eye shadow, offer her a lipstick at a discounted price.
Distribute your business brochures wherever you go. To achieve success in a highly competitive environment, you will have to reach as many customers as possible. Tell your friends and relatives about your plans to start an Avon business but attempt to expand beyond them.
Offer incentives to your regular customers. Consider preparing a basket containing small and inexpensive products. Each customer who places an order with you automatically enters the draw to receive the prize. Never throw away the receipts so you can make deductions if required. Keeping the gas mileage and office bills can help you avoid annual tax deductions.