How to Supplement Breastfeeding with Formula

At some point you may decide that you would like to supplement your breastfeeding with formula. You are probably aware that breastfeeding is best for your child and that your breast milk will change based on your child’s age and needs, making it the perfect food for him or her. However there can be many different reasons to decide to supplement breastfeeding with formula: perhaps to allow the father to bond while feeding the child or perhaps you are returning to work part-time. Whatever the reason, there are a few things that you will need to take into consideration to assist your child with the transition to a bottle part-time and feel confident that you are making the right decisions for you and your baby.
Things Required:
– Bottles
– Nipples for the bottles
– Liquid or liquid concentrate formula
If you are planning to supplement your breastfeeding with formula, then the first issue that arises is what formula you should use for your baby. You have two choices in front of you, whether to go for liquid or choose powder.
Experts recommend that infants under 1 year old should not be given cow’s milk. Some are also stating that powdered formula shouldn't be given to infants under 1 either. Apparently powdered formula isn't fired at a hot enough temperature to burn off all possible bacteria. An infant's stomach is unable to process bacteria like an older child. Unfortunately this leaves liquid or liquid concentrates, which are more expensive than powder, as your second option.
Talk to your paediatrician about Lipil options. You should try to choose a formula with DHA/ARA in it. Usually, you will find the paediatricians providing you with the sample if you have an infant under 1 year old. This will give you the option to see if your child will accept the taste of the formula easily. Note that you may need to try a couple of different formulas before you find the one that your child will accept.
Now you are ready to shop for bottle nipples. It's hard to find one that matches your own, but try to find one that is as close as possible. This will help alleviate some nipple confusion. Most important is to know what your flow is like and buy nipples that match. For example, you don't want to give an infant a newborn nipple if your milk has a strong flow. Your child will reject the bottle because it's too much work, than normal breastfeeding. So you want to match the nipple delivery to your own.
Know that formulas are being improved all the time. There is a formula for almost every type of stomach difficulty. Don't try to change the consistency of formula on your own and talk to your baby's doctor to decide on a formula together if you are trying to overcome an eating difficulty.