How to Survive an Airplane Crash

While air travel is regarded as the safest mode of transportation, anything can go wrong at 33,000 feet in the sky, and if you are unfortunate to be in such an accident then the decisions you make will mean the difference in keeping you alive. Thinking of surviving a plane crash might seem odd but statistics suggest that you have a good chance of walking out of a plane crash if you are vigilant and do the little things which will consequently make the difference. Keep reading this article to learn how to survive a plane crash.


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    You have to be vigilant while boarding the plane and map your exact location in your head. It is recommended that you count the rows from the exit to your seat, which will help you get out in case the plane crashes and there is too much smoke to see properly, you can then count the rows as you move towards the exit.

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    It is imperative for you to pay attention to the flight attendant’s safety demonstration, as this will play a key role in your survival once the plane goes down. The demonstration is there to give the passengers information about the safety protocols of the airplane.

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    When the plane is crashing, you need to cross your hands while spreading them on the seat which is in front of you and then place your head in the hands. Be strong and do not change your position, stay this way until the plane comes to a halt.

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    Be prepared as the crash is going to be rough and could leave you with injuries, collect yourself when the plane stops and move to the nearest exit as soon as possible. Remember it is important that you get out, since a crashed plane can fill up with poisonous fumes. While moving out, you need to stay low on the ground in order to protect your head from hitting any hanging equipment.

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    In the event of an explosion from the plane, you need to take cover after getting out of the rubble. It is suggested that you hide behind something large to save yourself from the debris of the plane.

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