How to Swaddle an Older Baby

Swaddling definitely helps a newborn baby sleep better, preventing him/her from startling him/herself awake.
While normally babies only need to be swaddled at bedtime for just a few weeks before they learn to settle themselves to sleep, there are some babies which require a night-time swaddle for many months. Swaddling your older baby isn’t that different from swaddling a newborn, but there are a few tricks to getting it right.
Things Required:
– Large square blanket made of stretchy fabric
Obtain a large blanket made of stretchy material such as jersey or cotton knit. Fold down one corner and lay your baby down so that his/her head rests above the fold.
Quickly place the baby’s left arm against his side then pull the left side of the blanket across your baby’s chest and tuck it snugly underneath the baby while pinning the right arm down against his right side. You must do this part quickly as older babies love to roll over and squirm.
Pull the right side across his/her chest so that the blanket has a v-shaped opening at the baby’s neck. Now snugly tuck it underneath the baby. Leave the baby’s legs free – most of the older babies do not need their legs swaddled, just their arms.
Check the swaddle for tightness and to ensure that baby’s arms are not wriggling up towards their face (re-swaddle the baby if this occurs). Your baby should be tightly wrapped, but should still be comfortable enough to sleep.