How to Take Care of a Ficus Bonsai Tree

If you are planning to add a bonsai tree to your indoor plant collection, then you are in for a real treat. While it takes little time and patience to learn how to grow and take care of a bonsai tree, the results are truly incredible. There are a number of bonsai trees, but Ficus is one of the most popular houseplants from the bonsai family, reason being its elegant growth and tolerance to poor growing conditions.
Plant in a potting container
Plant your Ficus bonsai in a large potting container. However, the pot should be somewhat small as compared to the size of the tree. Best rule to follow when selecting the pot is that it should be about half as deep as the tree's height and almost three-fourth as wide. Also make sure that the pot has a good drainage system. Ficus bonsai can also be grown outdoors, but only in areas where the climate is mild. -
Use mixture of sand and soil
If you have a pre-grown Ficus tree, then make sure you change the soil while re-potting the tree. Since these trees prefer a somewhat sandy loam, use a mixture of soil and sand in a proportion of 70 to 30, that is 70 percent nutrient rich soil and 30 percent sand. -
Water regularly but avoid overwatering
Water your Ficus bonsai regularly; however avoid overwatering. These trees are voracious feeders and may dry out between watering, but don’t forget to check the moisture level of the soil in the pot before watering again.
To check the moisture level, place your finger an inch deep into the soil, if it feels dry then water your plant. Most Ficus plants require watering three to four times a week. However, remember if the leaves of your Ficus start turning from green to yellow, it is a sign of excessive watering. Adjust your watering quantity as well as frequency to keep it healthy. -
Place in shady areas
These plants are impartial to sunlight and are believed to thrive in both direct and indirect sunlight. However, it’s better to place a Ficus tree in a shady area that receives three to four hours of low intensity sunlight every day. -
Protect from frost
Protect your bonsai tree from frost and cold temperatures. These tress do well when the temperature does not fall below 15 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperatures for Ficus trees ranges from 59 to 71 degrees Fahrenheit. -
Fertilize and prune regularly
During the growing season, feed your Ficus bonsai at least every two weeks with a fertilizer that includes a balance of phosphorous and potassium with higher levels of nitrogen. However avoid fertilizing during the winter months. Also prune your Ficus tree regularly to keep it in good shape and health.