How to Take Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Coconut oil is procured from the dried flesh of the coconut or coconut milk. It has a fresh coconut aroma and is commonly used to sauté foods. Coconut oil is 92 percent saturated fat and is rich in fatty acids such as pleic, lauric, linoleic and stearic acids. Some supporters of coconut oil say that supplementing with the oil can help in reducing weight. Others claim that it may aid in boosting energy levels and provide a sense of fullness before meals. That in effect, makes you eat considerably less. Some people insist on making a coconut oil infusion that is easy to take before meals. However, you should consult your doctor before making any changes to your pre-existing diet.
Make the coconut oil mixture
Begin with preparing the coconut oil infusion. This can be done by adding one to two table spoon of coconut oil to one oz of hot water or hot herbal tea. After that, allow the infusion to take place by melting. You can drink once the mixture has melted.
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How to consume the coconut oil infusion?
Consume one serving of the coconut oil mixture before all the meals. It is advised to take a specific amount of dosage depending on your body weight. If you weigh between 90 and 130 pounds, then take one table spoon of coconut oil before you eat your meal. Moreover, if your weight is between 131 and 180 pounds, take one and a half table spoon before every meal. Furthermore, if you weigh over 180 pounds, take 2 table spoons before each meal. Importantly, place the coconut oil on top of the refrigerator, cupboard or stove as you will need to make sure it is soft in winter months.
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Take servings of coconut oil on a regular basis
Continue to consume the coconut oil infusion each day for at least two months. When you achieve your desired weight, reduce your intake of coconut oil mixture. You can do this by cutting out one dose for each daily meal. Moreover, you can reduce the intake day by day until you stop consuming it altogether.
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