How to Take Notes on Android

Most Android based smart-phones sport large screens, giving users a lot of real estate to work with. Having handy little notes on your screen can be a convenience for those who have lots to do. While there are several apps on the Play Store which allow you to enter notes and save them, for this guide we will be using the ColorNote app which has a lot of useful features and options.


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    Run the Google Play Store app on your device or login to the Play Store online from your Desktop. While the Play Store app allows for direct downloads, the web version can also send apps to your device as long as it is connected to the internet.

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    Using the Play Store’s search feature, look for an app called ‘ColorNote Notepad Notes To Do’, developed by Notes. The app is free and you can tap the install button to download it to your device

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    Once the app is installed, you can access it from the app drawer. Tap the ColorNote icon to proceed.

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    The apps main screen is very simple and there are three main buttons on the top bar. The first (saying ColorNote) is the menu button, the second is the ‘add new’ button and the third is for search.

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    If you tap the menu button, a sidebar will slide out. On the sidebar you can select whether to add a new note, a calendar entry, change the applications theme or view the archive and the trash can. There is a backup option as well, which is useful in case your want to retrieve your notes on another device.

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    To add a new note, tap the plus button (add new) and select the type of note from the dialogue box (you can choose between Text and Checklist).

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    An editing window will open up with space for you to add text using the virtual keyboard. In the editing window, there will be a coloured box on the top right, which you can tap to change the colour theme of the note.

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    Once you have entered the desired text in the editing window, you can press the back key to save it and return to the main screen. Now the note you just created will be listed, along with the time of creation.

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    You can long press a listed note (keep your finger on it till the interface changes) and choose to either strike-out the title (like a checklist), archive it (remove from the list but keep in the archives), delete it, set a reminder for it or protect it using a password.

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    If you accidentally delete a note, you can restore it from the trash can (using the sidebar explained earlier).

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    If you want your note to appear on a home screen, simply go to your widgets and select the ColorNote widget. Once you place it on your home screen, a dialogue box will appear listing all your notes and you can select whichever entry you want the widget to display.

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