How to Take Pictures of Diamond Jewelry

Taking good and clear pictures of diamond jewelry is simple if you follow certain rules. The aim for any photographer is to take shiny and sparkling image of the gem while capturing the visibility of the jewelry and avoiding reflections. The lighting and location is to be chosen very carefully, and it is wise to use a light box. It is recommended for close-up photography and can be used for indoor or outdoor shootings, and is also simple to create. In order to avoid reflections and spread light properly, use an enclosed lighting system. Diamond jewelry looks best in the natural sunlight.


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    Make a light box

    Create a light box by cutting out the sides and front of a cardboard box. Make sure you leave around an inch of cardboard to use as a frame. Cut the thin piece off the side of the box, and stick tissue inside the box over the cut-outs. This way, the tissue will prevent reflections from occurring and will distribute light evenly. Put something on the back and bottom of the box, and tape the poster board in accord. Also remember to leave the board curved and not creased to provide a solid plane for the background of the picture.

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    Where to take the picture?

    You need to select between taking the photograph outside in the sunlight or under two full spectrum light bulbs. On the other hand, you can shoot the photo in both cases at the same time. Good light bulbs for taking a picture of a diamond jewelry needs to have a color temperature of 5000K or more and an index rating between 90 to 100. Put the lights on both sides of the light box or the shot to have a good effect on the picture.

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    Decide the display for the photograph

    Select a display for the gem in the light box. A good choice can be a small jewelry box or stand. Another alternative is to use molding wax or clay to angle a side of a diamond. Be aware of the fact that diamond jewelry looks best when facing a soft light source. You can use a third light bulb instead of the reflector. Know that it is vital to turn off the cameras flash, and choose the close-by photo setting normally denoted by a flower icon. There is no need to change other normal settings other than the exposure value.

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