How to Talk to a Girl on the Phone

At least once in a lifetime, almost every man has been in a situation where he really wanted to talk to an unknown young lady, but shyness and embarrassment prevented him from doing so.

The widespread use of the telephone, however, has helped countless shy men talk to their beloveds with ease, because the phone is a medium through which you cannot see each other while speaking. In most cases, this helps you remain confident about what you are saying.

Young men often get confused after seeing beautiful young ladies in front of them, and they usually repent having wasted an opportunity to talk to them, most probably because of shyness and a lack of confidence.

However, some people are very good at communicating from a distance through a telephone line, rather than saying everything face to face. You just need to pluck up the courage to ask for the mobile number of a girl and you can then proceed to start a telephonic conversation with her. However, if you really want to impress a young lady with good conversation on the telephone, you should follow certain norms or rules.


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    Keep it simple. You can just dial her phone number and ask how she's doing, or ask her how her day was. This gesture will help you attain and keep a soft corner in her heart, and she will start believing that you are taking good care of her.

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    Decide what time suits both of you before talking on the phone regularly. The timing should not disturb either of you or the relationship will end with both of you fighting and blaming each other.

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    Always ask her for advice on different things, so that she can feel that she is important to you and know that you completely rely on her for making choices. She will feel proud and happy when you ask her to give you advice on the preparation of dishes, or on the colour combinations for shirts and jeans.

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    Think about what you want to know about the girl. Ask her about her interest and hobbies, what movies and music she loves. Ask questions to get better acquainted. However, remember that the conversation should not turn into an interrogation.

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    When speaking to a girl on the phone, avoid abusive words and do not be too outspoken and assertive; if a girl, for some reason, decides not to answer a question, do not force her to reply.

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