How to Talk to Your Doctor about Fibromyalgia

Doctors have recently started diagnosing fibromyalgia. The disease otherwise was taken as routine fatigue. Still many doctors do not know much about the disease and find it difficult to diagnose it as a separate problem. It is better to talk to your doctor about the pain, fatigue and other issues you face. A good rheumatologist will be willing to work with you on diagnosing the disease and then treat it. The main problem is lack of knowledge and awareness about the disease.


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    Identify Pain

    You should note down points of the pain or fatigue you feel in different parts of body. For example, it is possible that the pain moves to different parts of body quickly. In the morning it is in the shoulder area and in the evening in arm. Note down each and every detail and then share this with your doctor.

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    Medication Record

    You should also note down the medicines you have been taking before and after the doctor visit. Also note down the change of any medicines after your second and third visit to the doctor. This includes any herbal remedies that you have been trying. If you have been taking any medicine before the doctor visit share the information with your doctor.

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    Fibromyalgia Assessment Status

    You doctor is likely to use Fibromyalgia Assessment Status to determine if your condition is actually the disease or you have some other problems. Sometimes, doctors reject that you have this disease and rather conclude that the pain is due to menopause. However, you can still talk to your doctor about the pain or fatigue you feel and it is possible that the doctor is willing to work with you to diagnose the disease.

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    Disclose Your Fears and Concerns

    Do not hold back any information from your doctor and even tell your fears and concerns about your health. Since the information about this disease has not been developed as much as the information on other diseases, the diagnostic and treatment of the problem depend on the information you provide to your doctor. So holding anything back can be a safety risk for your health and you will be responsible for it.

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